FONPLATA supports the sustainable use of water resources and sanitation in Indaiatuba, Brazil

Ph. Municipal Government and SAAE of Indaiatuba (SP) - Brazil

The Development Bank approved more than USD 30 million funding to support the “Integrated Program for Sanitation and Water Resources in Indaiatuba/SP – Jundiaí River Clean”, of that municipality of the Brazilian State of São Paulo. The general purpose of the program is to contribute to improve the quality of life of its population and the adaptation to climate change, by widening the coverage of drinking water and sanitation services, using water resources in a sustainable way, and reducing its population vulnerability to hydric stress.

The Water and Sanitation Autonomous Service (SAAE) will execute the project, which amounts to USD 37.5 million, 80% of which will be funded by FONPLATA – Development Bank, and 20% will be locally funded. More than 90% of the funding is channeled through the economic recovery support credit lines and the green funding offered by the Bank.

The specific objectives of the Program are to widen drinking water coverage by enlarging the distribution network, the treatment plants, and the capacity of the reservoirs; to widen the coverage of wastewater treatment by enlarging the sanitation network; to increase the use of treated wastewater; and to contribute to the environmental recovery of Jundiaí river by protecting its banks from erosion and recovering riparian vegetation.

These works will contribute to reach three of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG-6), through actions towards assuring universal access to water and sanitation, improving water quality by reducing pollution and stopping wastewater tipping, enhancing the efficient use of water resources, and assuring the sustainability of drinking water extraction and supply; Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG-11), as it sets forth policies and plans for the efficient use of resources and adaptation to climate change; and Climate Action (SDG-13), through the strengthening of resilience and the ability to adjust to climate and natural disasters related risks.

Specifically, the civil and electromechanical engineering works and the recovery of the riparian forest of the Jundiaí river include, among other actions, building the new water treatment plant, the adduction system and water reservoirs to address the demand of the neighborhoods on the east side of Jundiaí river, as well as a coastal interceptor, which after the construction of the networks will enable effluent disposal; the deployment of a water reutilization system for the industrial district of the municipality; and the protection of the Jundiaí river bank with 3 km long gabions, as well as the recovery of native vegetation on an 8 km long stretch.

Indaiatuba is a municipality of the State of Sao Paulo, located in the metropolitan region of Campinas, just 100 km to the northeast of the Capital of the State. As a result of its industrial economy, the population has grown extremely fast, putting pressure on the widening and improvement of clean water and sanitation systems, and boosting the development of the city to the eastern side of Jundiaí river, an essential water resource for the towns in the basin of the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí rivers.

